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Anova's Senior Management Stories, Chapter 1: Bradford A. Boyd, Esq., Founder and President

22 January 2019

“I grew up in logistics insurance, securing my first job in the field by hand-delivering cargo insurance policies in Buenos Aires at the age of 17.”
Mr. Bradford A. Boyd, Esq., Founder and President of Anova Marine Insurance, recounts how he got started in the unique field of logistics insurance.
“After working in Buenos Aires for a large logistics insurance agency, I interned at an international broker in Munich, Germany. Since then, I realized the unlimited potential in the field and was fascinated by the complexity involved in international trade and the insurance industry associated therewith.”

Mr. Boyd has come a long way from being a cadete [policy courier] in Buenos Aires to working in the logistics insurance industry on several continents; however, he planned his future strategically to get to where he is today.

“I had a lot of ideas on how to revolutionize our industry, but knew that I needed the supporting education to bring these ideas to fruition. So after receiving my Bachelors, I earned my Juris Doctor and became an attorney, focusing on maritime and trade law and insurance. Thereafter, I worked for large P&I clubs in London and then pursued a Masters in Shipping Finance at Cass Business School [part of City University London, one of Europe’s top business schools]. Upon returning to the U.S., I managed the Miami office of a large, German logistics insurance broker and thereafter founded ANOVA. Due to my education and experience in the field, I have been fortunate to have been recognized by leading insurers in our industry and therefore enjoy authorities that not many other underwriters are given by their insurance partners. These authorities and strong relationships that I have been able to develop, along with ANOVA’s unmatched quality service, have helped to catapult us to the forefront of our industry.”

Mr. Boyd’s incredible experience and education has also put his company in a unique position of being able to predict the future trends in his industry.

“I foresee the integration of more technology into our field in the future. That is why ANOVA has remained at the forefront of the technological advancements in logistics insurance and we always try to anticipate the next shift in our market by revolutionizing our services. We are already working on what we believe is the next big technological shift in our industry. Stay tuned!”


Categoría: Company News

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